Tuition Assistance

Wisconsin Shares - Child Care Subsidy Program

  • Wausau Child Care, Inc. is a proud participant of the Wisconsin Shares Program. The Wisconsin Child Care Subsidy Program helps families pay for child care. If the parent is eligible, child care can be subsidized for children under the age of 13, or up to the age of 19 in special needs children. Click here for eligibility information.

Good Start Grants - Sliding Fee Program

  • This program provides financial assistance for eligible families in Marathon County to ensure they have access to quality, affordable child care. Good Start Grants are intended for families that do not receive child care assistance through Wisconsin Shares and meet the eligibility guidelines. Click here for more information on eligibility requirements.

Ciricculum and Assesment

Creative Curriculum

  • All lesson plans are planned by our education experienced staff using the Creative Curriculum goals and objectives that focus on individualized learning and playing with a purpose.

Ages and Stages Questionnaire

  • Our staff thoughtfully and carefully observe the children in a variety of environments.

  • ASQ’s are completed twice a year using the above observations.

  • In collaboration with our parents/guardians, goals are discussed and set for continued success.

  • Goals for each child are used to plan meaningful lesson plans.